As children we learn E for Elephant, and somehow, of all the animals elephant holds very special place in our heart and mind. Maybe because of its majestic look, size, long truck, tusk, big ears and small beautiful eyes that draws immediate attention.
August 12 celebrated as World Elephant Day, aims to protect and preserve the elephants across the world. Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Michael Clark, and Sivaporn Dardarananda, Secretary-General of the Elephant Reintroduction Foundation in Thailand officially started it in 2012. They have partnered over 100 elephant conservation organisations across the globe.
“World Elephant Day is a rallying call for people to support organizations that are working to stop the illegal poaching and trade of elephant ivory and other wildlife products, protect wild elephant habitat, and provide sanctuaries and alternative habitats for domestic elephants to live freely,” Patricia Sims, World Elephant Day Co-Founder
Facts about elephants
The three recognised species of elephants are the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant and the Asian elephant
Elephants large ear flaps help to control body temperature. Elephants are herbivorous animal. They eat grass, bamboo, leaves, bark, roots and also crops like banana, sugarcane.
Elephants are very intelligent animals and have very good memory.
Multiple family groups come together to socialise. The oldest female elephant called matriarch leads the group. Male elephants, as they grow, leave the group and live alone or with other male elephants.
Baby elephants called calves are the centre of attention in groups and rely on mothers for 3 years.
Elephants life span is around 70 years.
Dawn of 20th century saw few million African elephants and around 1 lakh Asian elephants. According to the World Wildlife Fund, in 2014 the total population of African elephants was estimated to be around 700,000 and around 30,000 in Asia.
In India, according to Elephant Census 2017 the population of elephant is estimated at 27,312 across 23 states.
To know more and participate in elephant conservation cause check out
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